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frase io review

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Nowadays, AI technology is more and more widely applied in all industries. For writing work, it is no exception that there will be AI support.

If you are interested in this field, you will find some tools like Jasper, Simplified, Shortlyai,…also good support for your writing. Some tools also integrate more relevant features to support users.

AI writing assistants like, can really help you create a lot of content in a really short period of time without duplication

Content SEO tools like Surfer SEO will help you figure out what titles and keywords to use in your articles for SEO.
These tools, if you want to use them, you will have to pay for two different tools between writing and SEO.

Don’t worry in this article I will evaluate an AI software that integrates both of the above features. It is to assist you with your writing and SEO.

That’s the answer tried to develop during its launch.

If you want to understand its details and usage then continue reading our Frase io review.

I have been using Frase io for over 6 months now and have created over 50 content with it.

After having personally used Frase for over 6 months and created over 50 content with it, I’m here with the most honest Frase Review for you to read.

Questions around a research-based keyword created by Frase are one of my favorite and standout features.

In this Review, I will talk about the powerful features of Frase io, as well as its disadvantages.


Frase is a startup company founded in 2016 and headquartered in Boston, USA.

Frase io was originally developed as an advanced SEO tool powered by AI technology. It can create SEO-focused content in no time with supported titles and keywords.

It can also later generate and optimize relevant answers to questions your target customers are interested in.
Frase is a powerful content research tool and is expected to enjoy favorable growth in the coming years!

In addition, Frase io is also a content writing assistant for articles, essays, books, … (depending on your needs)

It can save you time in a number of ways:

  • Research topics (Keywords)
  • Create content (Create contents)
  • Using AI to write content (Ai writer)

As such, Frase io can save you time with research on topic intent, preparation of article manuscripts, and even writing content for your articles.


How good is it?

Does it really save you time and money?

Answer: Of course!

At least as far as creating the main intent of your content is concerned. That feature is extremely helpful and accurate with its recommendations (Recommended Questions)

However, things get a little more complicated with AI content creation, SEO content and all the other features Frase io has.

So, if you want to know if Frase io is good for you, keep reading my review.


Frase io is one of the first SEO tools with integrated AI technology. It uses Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing to interpret, present, understand, and learn content from a wide variety of websites around the world. That makes this machine very diverse in content and produces closely related summaries with high efficiency and speed.

So, when you search for a keyword on Frase, such as ‘Digital Marketing’, it scans for websites on the Internet and:

  • Find topics and questions that are most relevant to your keyword (my favorite part of frase io)
  • Create article summary (article ideation)
  • Create content summary

Highlight the statistics noted in different articles to help you create a content that is not duplicated
This is useful when you need to research and create or curate content for your website.

There is a not very happy announcement. That said, you can’t try Frase io for free, so you’ll need to purchase one of their subscriptions to start experiencing the tool.

As soon as you buy it, you will come across a short tutorial that will help you get started with Frase in the simplest way.

And here is the main panel of Frase io: It looks pretty simple, isn’t it

On the left you can open your documents (where you created your own content before)

And so far, I personally find this to be the best feature that Frase io has to offer. Because it helps you find out what other competitors are doing for your target keyword

As well as an idea of what the reader is interested in

And the questions that people are asking about that topic:

This is the strongest point of Frase io and it’s a great feature if you want to find article ideas and organize its structure faster. Very cool with this feature, isn’t it?
To be fair, this stage alone for a blogger, journalist, contenter,… (who is related to writing) has taken a lot of time.

In addition to researching an idea and optimizing it, you can also use Frase io to create AI content:

But does it work as well as you want it to?
Honestly, it’s not as great as Jasper or Shortai

It can’t be blamed, because this is a rather small niche, so Frase’s Ai writer doesn’t work well, which is understandable.


Frase io is packed with some really useful features that not only save time, but also help you create fresh, detailed, and SEO-focused content.

Let remotejobflex take a look at its key features with you in this Frase io Review

Looking at Frase io it seems simple in terms of features.
But it’s even better in its own toolkit. Each feature is important, such as the research tab, which has its own set of small features.


If you are a content creator such as blogger, journalist, essay student, etc., then you know how difficult it is to do keyword and topic idea research! It is a very tiring job that sometimes takes hours.

Frase io as a savior in this situation. With Frase, you can truly automate your research process

It helps you understand the questions your readers are asking, so you can create better content that answers those questions.

To access it, you will need to create a new document. Enter your keywords, then click the Research tab on the left:

This stage will analyze the first 20 SERP results and generate a content summary, including:

  • SERP overview for the selected keyword
  • POTENTIAL HEADERS you can use
  • POTENTIAL REsources that you can link to in your article
  • Statistics that your COMPETITOR is talking about.
  • ARTICLES you can link to
  • Wikipedia topics

It’s a fun setup to build upon successful articles, define exactly what needs to be done, and choose what to use in your own writing.

Also, it’s a quick way to find valuable resources on the topic you want to target

However, this content summary is a double-edged sword.


Frase’s research is limited to what your competitors are already doing on the SERP.

It’s really helpful. You’ll get an estimate of your monthly search volume and the keywords you need to target, and you’ll understand what search engines are bringing from sources in a particular keyword.

But is that enough if you stand out from your competition and write a whole new piece of content?

And the keyword research feature will help you answer the above question

There, Frase io will bring up topics people often ask, based on your competitor’s articles. These can be obtained from: Quora, People also Ask and Reddit,…It’s okay, as long as it saves you time right?

Personally, I use Frase Question Ideas a lot

It’s an effective tool for identifying keywords that are in demand!

And keep in mind: these questions are not only valid for you to write for the FAQ section of your article.

These are questions your future readers might ask about a topic. Those questions you need to answer with an article, social media post or YouTube video. Think if you were a marketer, those questions would be much more valuable in sales, wouldn’t they?

So the research feature is a strong point of Frase.

But the questions Frase io finds for you are really helpful questions


With the research you’ve created in advance, you can also create an outline for your article.

To do that, you first need to research through the titles your competitors are already using:

And copy the ones you see fit into your outline:

Adding Headings
Adding Headings

And you can filter through different types of titles like

Types headings of frase io
Types headings of frase io

And even look for a potential keyword that you want to feature in the SEO title:

These processes will help you create a content outline that you can use to write your articles with the goal of “Original Articles”

And this is definitely a feature far superior to what you get in AI writing tools like Jasper, Copy AI or Shortai.

The end result isn’t bad at all, is it?

Of course you’ll have to tweak them a bit.

But that should be good enough to help you get started. And save a lot of time. Guaranteed it will only take 1/3 to 1/4 of the time compared to when you use traditional ways of writing articles


Frase’s SEO and content ideation tools seem to be quite useful already. But what about Frase io’s Ai content creation feature?

Can you create content faster with Frase?

Answer: Of course

If you are a professional company, it is important to follow a summary while writing your article. Frase io makes it easy to design content in less than 2 minutes! Sounds unbelievable, doesn’t it?

Frase AI Templates has dozens of templates you can choose from:

The output of Frase io’s AI content generation will vary based on the template you choose.

Don’t be impatient! Give each other 2 minutes to learn more about each model. See how you can use an outline you’ve created to write your essay

There are 5 big templates for blogs:

Take the introduction template as an example:

After you write your headline, you can add more sections:

And you can choose the level of creativity. But I don’t see a big difference between the generated content compared to level 1 and 5

And with just one title, the content creation is not the best for me:

You can also paste a primer paragraph, then ask Frase to finish writing the paragraph completely:

It is also an effective way to do it, but it takes time and effort.

But it still doesn’t satisfy me. You can’t just paste a paragraph and ask Frase to rewrite it for you, like you would in Jasper or Shortai

You need to copy and paste individual paragraphs/parts of the passage, then develop it on Frase more fully.

Conclusion: It’s temporary. But this is not the trump card Frase. If you want to understand more about Frase io, keep reading this review.


With Frase, you can create new SEO-focused content (which will be great for your website in the long run). But what’s even better is that you can also optimize your published content for a potential keyword!

So, if I want to re-optimize a published article on my site, all I need to do is enter keywords and then enter the URL of the content.

It then compares my article with the top 20 ranking results on Google and suggests I edit it to improve some good SEO factors like:

  • Average word count
  • Number of times a keyword should appear
  • Additional themes can be included, etc.

Your SEO score increases as you continue to make Frase’s recommended tweaks. This helps your content stand out from the competition and increases the odds of your article being ranked #1 on Google Search!


Like I said, Frase is not a simple tool and has a lot of potentially useful features that you may not be aware of.

For starters, you can create content outlines in multiple languages, not just English:

This is really nice, but I will note that the languages supported in Frase are much less than Jasper’s list, Copy AI,…but really that’s not so important because of the practicality. I know you are also reading this article in English only


In Frase’s “Documentation” tab, you can also set deadlines for the writing you do:

And assign status to the post:

So you can use Frase io as a complete article development tool or assistant, from research to publication.


Frase has a ton of templates suitable for AI content creation. The coolest (and useful) stuff built by the Frase developers. In addition, you can also refer to using community-created templates:

This is a great privilege. Because the participation of the community will be more creative than a company, right?


Frase is very good at asking questions, so of course Frase will have a few samples to help you answer the following questions:

So the answer is also very close to the question

As long as you ask the software questions related to the topic you write, it will give diverse and useful answers that stick to the question.

Not all of them are 100% correct, so you will need to double check. But even with this inconvenience,

Frase IO is still a great piece of software for answering questions. This also saves you a lot of time in writing full articles


SEO templates help you create meta descriptions, keywords, titles, headings, sections that can work for paragraphs that make your article stand out.

Honestly, the meta description template is pretty awesome:

Other samples work better with more research and more input, but it’s not too bad in the end, is it:

So, if writing high-quality SEO content is essential to you, these SEO templates can help.


While the content for SEO is discouraged from being generated by AI (Because it can be penalized by Google if found to be AI-generated), there is no limit to marketing content.

And Frase has quite a few professional and simple marketing templates:

So let’s take for example some of them. How is the AIDA format a classic in Frase marketing and output:

Pretty good isn’t it!

But most AI writing tools have templates for AIDA and their output is more attractive. But this may not be very important because the nature of the content you want to convey to the reader is more important.

And some other samples may be of value.

For example, the product description is pretty good:

As a result it deviated a bit from the script, but it’s still a good first draft that you can better edit.

So, if you want to streamline your marketing content writing, Frase can help. To be fair, Jasper does it a little better than Frase. Hihi


Two more tools with which you can optimize AI-generated content.

Frase will subtly and intelligently rewrite the passage or sentence you provide:

And the “shortened” template will take a paragraph and then break it down in a simpler way that’s easier to understand, or explain it with professional bullet points:

This “shortening” feature is extremely useful in most AI writing applications.

But with Frase, to be honest shortening is not as effective as in other AI writing tools:

I hope it will be better in the future.


Once you have reviewed the features of Frase io for a while, then you must have drawn what are the strengths and weaknesses of Frase io, right?

For more detail, toolinfor will give you a summary review of the advantages and disadvantages of Frase io. From there you can make your own decisions.

Note that this is just my personal opinion, so to be the most realistic, you should experience it for yourself.


You saw Frase’s ability, so. Let’s also review the Pros of Frase io:

First of all: Frase is extremely helpful in researching your competitors. More features and ideas than most other SEO tools. And its keyword research goes into more detail than just estimating the organic traffic you’ll get.
Next is Frase io that actually generates useful content summaries.
Rate the information, ideas, and content that Frase io provides you. From there will draw a lot of useful things for your own article.

It is also really helpful in creating a content outline so that you have a better overview of your article.

And of course, it is impossible not to mention Frase io to save you a lot of time, especially when figuring out the questions you need to answer in your article.

AI content creation is great, especially when it comes to creating some SEO content for your website. This will be good for your business in the long run and reduce many of your marketing-related costs.

oh, I almost forgot about another advantage:
The integrations that Frase has are pretty good:

Writing is a bit rambling but in summary, Pros of Frase io is:

  • You can use Frase features for five days for only $1.
  • The competitor research tool gives you a complete overview of your competitors.
  • You can summarize content quickly and use the summary to write complete articles in Frase’s AI writer.
  • Find the questions to cover in your article that most people ask on the internet.
  • Frase integrates with Google Search Console, Google Docs, Hubspot CRM, and WordPress.

Have a look at what others have to say about Frase io:


Maybe I’m a pretty easy person, so Frase only has one weakness for me. That is the price of Frase io is higher than other SEO & AI writing tools.
And I went through other review sites and found that Frase was stuck in the problem of refunding customers.
It’s a bit negative, but I have to write it down anyway:

I don’t know if these reviews are true or not. Because I bought Frase io and use it until now. Of course, a product always has two sides to its existence. Maybe those comments are Fraseio’s opponents.


As for the price of Frase io, it is much lower than when it was first released. And if you want to use the built-in SEO, you can start at just $44.99.

In addition to experience Frase io software, you can also register for a 5-day trial for only $ 1. You can cancel anytime you want.


Frase’s Solo plan costs $19.99 a month, which is suitable for those getting started with the SEO content creation process.

Or simply put, those who want to learn about Frase io or those who are new to writing. This plan is for single user use and access to seven document credits. With Frase’s Solo plan, you won’t be able to share documents.


Frase’s basic plan costs $49.99 a month, making it perfect for freelancers or a small online business just starting out. This package also only allows 1 user, you get thirty document credits. Unlimited document sharing for those who buy Fraseio’s Basi plan


Frase’s team plan costs $114.99 monthly, which is great for agencies or teams looking to expand their content management workflow.

Moreover, companies specialize in content building, searching for ideas. This plan allows 3 users to access at the same time.

And if you want to add members to your team it will cost another 25$. Unlimited document credits for the team, and of course document sharing.


Get unlimited AI-Generated Characters, as well as other premium features for an additional $35/mo

For an additional $35 in packages you can add even more power with Pro add-ons⚡

  • Keyword Search Volume

Unlock monthly search volume for keywords in the Outline Builder, as well as commercial and informational keyword modifiers.

  • SERP Data Enrichment

Access domain authority and backlink data for top search results.

  • Frase AI Writer

Unlimited access to our AI Writer, which allows you to generate content at the click of a button.

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